White Hat Link Building: A Complete Overview

 What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is a process to increase your web traffic organically with techniques and strategies.

There are 200 Ranking factors On Google according to Google:)

it's not a Rocket Science people nowadays have made it tougher.

I'll give you a Complete guide About SEO When it was invented and how is going now.

We have to go in the Past 1994:When bankrupt was created and later name Google.

SEO Invention:

Google Owner see that there is no such algorithm in yahoo the leading Search engine at that time, to get the result that are related there was low quality content the only ranking factors at that time was keyword stuffing,

So they realize that and created Google their main goal a search engine that provides quality content and they build an Algorithm that provides Quality Content in just minutes,

Even Google himself cant manually remove any page on the SERPs, For this purpose, he has made the algorithm to do this, The Artificial Intelligence

So slowly they build these systems structure data was also a Google invention, Bing and yahoo Join It, Don't Forget at one time Yahoo Rejected Google To buy it.

In between Google provided a lot of tools

Google Search Console, Google Analytics Google, Google Site Speeds, Google mobile Friendliness Test.

Google also provides the data about keywords but they stop doing this and then SEO Tools like Ahrefs and semrush come into the SEO part many more

So this is the invention of SEO that was invented by Google and Followed by the competitors, After This Keyword Stuffing, irrelevant backlinking was on the moon<Google realize that and Introduced his Algorithms Called

I am not gonna define them you can check the resource. It's very important.

Types of SEO

On-Page SEO


Technical SEO

Local SEO

On-Page SEO: The Basic Definition of On-Page SEO is the SEO acts or techniques that you do on your Website that fall under On-Page SEO,

But Now a days On-Page SEO is only adding your Primary Keyword in the Title and Meta Description,

add your primary keyword to the first 100 words of the blog.

Yoast SEO Green lines, blah blah On-Page SEO is more Than that my dear friends.

Check these points:

  1. Your Articles should be Plagiarism Free.
  2. Your Articles should match the user's Intent.
  3. your website should have Topical Relevancy to the keyword that you are targeting.
  4. Use some supporting Articles and interlink them to the main one
  5. there is no such keyword density, you have to check your competitors

OFF-PAGE SEO: the basic definition of Off-page SEO is getting linked by different websites called off-page SEO it may also be called Link Building

There are a lot of strategies through which you can create a link for your website. Don't worry I will tell you.

Link Building Strageties

1:Guest Posting

This is my favorite link-building strategy it can give you hundreds of links in just a few days, but your links should be niche relevant if you are a carpenter you should get links from carpenter-related websites. while researching for guest posting keep these metrics to get a good links that helps you in rankings.

SEO Metrics to check link Quality

  1. DA Should be more than 30.
  2. PA should be more than 30.
  3. Spam Score under 5%.
  4. No more than 3 links pointing to other sites in a single blog post.
  5. Trafic should be more than 200 monthly users.
  6. The site should rank on more number of keywords, at least 500.

Search operators to find sites

Niche "Submit a Guest Post"

Niche "guest Post"

Niche "guest Post by"

Niche "accepting guest post"

Niche "write for us"

Steal your competitor's backlinks

To inform a Off PAge SEO Campaign you need to check which types of backlinks they are using,


inurl:sponsorship "city name"

intitle:sponsorship "city name"

local Content assets

make infographics content asses related to your niche just like the top 10 coffee shops in Richvan VG mail all these coffee shops sit to link you back.


A very powerful strategy for Link building and to get traffic to your site then Forum posting is go to way

Search operators


niche+discussion board

niche inurl:/forums

niche powered by vbulletin

inurl:/forum niche

intitle:/forum niche


  1. step 1 find relevant resource pages
  2. Step 2 find the "best fit" content
  3. Step 3 reach out

Search operators


"niche" + "helpful resources"

"niche" + "useful resources"

"niche" + "useful links"

Broken Links

  1. step 1 find relevant resource pages
  2. Step 2 find the broken link on the page
  3. Step 3 reach out

Search operators


"niche" + "helpful resources"

"niche" + "useful resources"

"niche" + "useful links"


Step 1

  • find a relevant piece of content
  • create something way better
  • ask those linking to the original piece to link to your superior content instead

Step 2

  • length, if the post list 25 tips, beat it by listing more
  • Freshness, check to see if the article is outdated, update it with newer images, screenshots,information, etc
  • design, and content isn't just about the words, its visual appeal matters to make the sure design stands out;
  • Depth.Don't just list things out fill in the details and make it actionable

Step 3

Reach out to all the site owners.

Reverse Images

  • make your unique image and publish it on your website
  • search it on google image
  • reach out to all the website that have used your iamges and
  • ask them to add them as resources to these images

Blog Commenting:

blog backlinks are very powerful backlinks and increase your niche relevancy

best health blogs

these methods work best for blog pages instead of service pages

Great article, it reminds me of another article I read earlier or m, orning which covers the different types of hardware finishes out, Link

The link should be related to the blog

Social bookmarking

get a link from top social site in bio its very good backlinks


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